Creative Block

Is it me?
Is it where I live?
Is it the weather?

Why do I seem to find it difficult to go out and take photographs at the present time? I'm not sure if this reluctance to take images is as a result of seeing fantastic images on the web, knowing that I cannot emulate the quality, or is it something else?

Whatever it is, the end result is an inability to motivate myself and pursue the goals that I set myself at the start of this photographic journey.

Surely, the internet and the easy availability of great images to view is a double-edged sword.

On one hand, used correctly, these images can be a great motivator, inspiring me to go out and try my best to create a similar quality of work. It provides information about areas that I might want to visit, gives ideas for composition and helps with the logistics of travel.

Alternatively, these images can demotivate, making me realise that I am stuck in a bit of a rut creatively, that my work has no quality, no specific style and no message that I want to convey.

I need to think about how best to use the internet as a tool to help me on my photographic journey.